October 18, 2013

College: Dorm Life

You made it.
You're in college.
And thanks to all the tv shows and movies, you have a certain picture of what it's like to live in college.
Forget ALL of that.
Living in a dorm is not all what it seems.

The guys on your floor may or may not be assholes. Dont think they will invite you to their parties. If they are nice they will, but if they are douche bags they only invite the "easy" girls.

Dont expect them to lower their volume even if you are busy studying (dorm walls arent the greatest). If you ask them you might get named the bitch on the floor or they will just turn it up more.

The laundry room is the WORST!

You are lucky if you find an empty washer or dryer, so take advantage if you do. The laundry room will get disgusting. I mean underwear and socks everywhere, lint on the floor, etc. Dont be the asshole who forgets about their clothes and leaves them for hours sitting in the washer or dryer, because someone WILL take your clothes out.

Expect to have one type of critter crawling in your room. No matter how clean you keep it (trust me) they will come. So ask your RA to help stop this, my RA was really helpful and the cockroaches are gone!

Lastly, dont expect your roommate to get along with you. Thankfully my roomie an I get along fine, although there might be some issues we work it out.


But that doesnt usually happen. Do make sure to come to some "rules" if you can to avoid future problems.

Dorm Life, you hate it but you actually love it.

October 2, 2013

The White Hair Situation

Looking in the mirror I am oblivious to the silver thread in my hair.
All I care about is fixing my hair to look somewhat appropriate for class, well actually to impress that cute guy that I bump into on my way back to my room.
Thats when I see it. How can you miss that silver beam of light laying gracefully like a queen above a sea of black. Holy Shit. I just found my FIRST WHITE HAIR.

My first thought was anger towards my mother. Thank you mom for passing this premature white hairs on to me. I even texted her saying just that. Will I have to start dying my hair in 5 yrs? Im only 18 for heavens sake!

Then I thought, wow I need to stop stressing out so much. But it is college, and stress comes free with the deal.

Thirdly I thought, wow im sooo old.

Lastly, I thought : FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS

After I calmed down and came back to the real world, I laughed. Who cares if you have a white hair? Everyone gets them. Theres no need to stress over it because there are more problems in the world that are wayyyy more important.

So bring it on life. Im ready for my head full of white hair (as i cross my fingers and hope this happens sometime in 30 more yrs).

 To all of you experiencing this: Life goes on, so you should too.

August 25, 2013

College : a small update

I'm at  that point in a teens life when I have to go away to this place called college. Normal teens pick a college that fits their needs but that is in their home state. I on the other hand, picked a college that is on the other end of the country. To make it even more crazy, my parents chose to drive down to my college, which is 18 hrs away *yippee...* .
So here I am sitting in my dorm after all these orientation workshops are finally done. It's been great so far and I've had a blast. But one thing that sucks is that I havent really made any friends. Well if you count talking to my roommate (does that count?) then I have one. That is why I cant wait for classes to start so I can actually get to meet more people. So if you just started college and you dont have friends, dont worry you are not alone trust me!

picture source : http://hiddensparkles.wordpress.com

August 2, 2013

The Longest Hiatus...

Soo hows it been?

I know, I know its been forever but I can explain myself! For one thing, if you dont know now you will, I am going to college! Its been a hard and tough journey but im done with all paperwork and highschool!! Woohoo! Ive been too busy stressing over all things college but I promise to blog more!
Another reason is also because I am lazy. Sorry but thats the truth. Anyways, I will be writing more from here on out. It will probably be more about college since I will be away from home.

Anyway its good to be back!

April 3, 2013

Book Review: Confessions of a Murder Suspect

Sorry that I havent written a post in sooo long but some stuff came up recently that I needed to deal with. I thought that I could make it up with a book review! This is the first book review that i have EVER done, so bear with me. Im not really sure what to write about so this post will be everywhere.

Anyways, I recently got around to reading Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. The main character Tandy (real name Tandoori) is apart of the notorious Angel family who live in New York City. Malcolm, her dad, has his own pharmaceutical company and Maud, her mom, does something that i forgot... sorry! Anyways, the Angel family is full of smart, athletic, artistic, basically "perfect" people. The books starts off with Tandy talking about the day that she found out that her parents died. The police and detectives show up to investigate the house. The ony people that were home were Tandy, her brothers Hugo and Harry, and their family friend/moms assistant Samantha. The detectives point out that they are all possible suspects in the murder of Maud and Malcolm. The story goes on with Tandy trying to uncover the truth about the murder. Along the way she discovers secrets that her family hid from her, ultimately rocking her world!

I would give this book 6 out of 10 stars for multiple reasons. One being that the story finishes without answering soooo many questions! That got me so mad because it just left me wondering about so many things! Im not even sure if James is gooing to make a sequel to this! Second, Tandy hints about something that happened to her a long time ago, but we dont really learn that much about it. This book honestly left me confused. It has the potential of being a great book (or series!) if Patterson cleared up the confusion and possibly makes a second one? please?! We just need to have more information regarding the characters.

February 20, 2013

Fashion Icon: Marina Lambrini Diamandis

How I wish I had her closet!! I absolutely love her style, its unique and it fits her persona i guess? But anyways besides her style, her hair is so voluminous? I'm not gunna write much, I'm just gunna let the pictures explain themselves =)




Currently fave Music artists

Ahh music. Music is one of those things that lets you escape into a world that is all yours. Over the years i have listened to all different kinds of music. I really enjoy most music. unless its those rap songs that just talk about drugs, sex, money and that constantly curse  (sorry!). But for me, a person coping with anxiety disorder, music can help me or break me. I cant really explain it because its more of psychological thing but if i listen to too sad songs i get really anxious. Maybe its me but i usually try to avoid listening to those songs on those particular days.

But anyways, I have currently been listing to The Lumineers, Mumford and Sons, Of Monsters and Men, Marina and the Diamonds, and The Head and the Heart. I have also been liking, get ready for this, thrift shop by Macklemore. Yes i know just say it, but honestly its a fun and easy song that just gets stuck into your head!

The Lumineers are just awesome. Like most people, i found out about them when i saw their video for Ho Hey over the summer. After that i got onto itunes and i bought the album, The Lumineers. I love all of their songs and i cant wait until they put out another album. Favorite songs:
  • Flowers in Your Hair
  • Dead Sea
  • Ho Hey
  • Big Parade
  • Stubborn Love
  • Charlie Boy

I have been listening to Mumford and Sons for a while now and my love for them has not faltered. I absolutely LOVE the first album, Sigh No More. At first i thought that they were a bunch of sad songs but over the time i have grown to worship these songs, what a dork. Their second album, Babel, is also great but i haven't "gotten use to" the songs yet. My all time fav songs (in no particular order) are :
  • Awake My Soul
  • Broken Crown
  • The Cave
  • I Will Wait
  • Roll Away Your Stone
  • White Blank Page
  • Sigh No More
  • Thistle & Weeds

I really like Of Monsters and Men's songs cause most are uplifting and the beat really appeals to me. They only have one album currently out (for now I hope) called My Head is an Animal. The album is great, once you start listening the beat will get to you and you just want more. I really hope that they put out another album because it will soon be a year since they released their album :( Anyways my favorite songs are:
  • Dirty Paws
  • King and Lionheart
  • Little Talks
  • Six Weeks

Marina and the Diamonds is something else. Her songs are mostly upbeat and Pop. She has been around for a while but i recently discovered her over the summer on YouTube (what would i do without YouTube?!). I only have to favorite songs of hers, for now, from her second album, Electra Heart. Her voice sounds a bit like Katy perry and a little tiny bit of lady gaga? I'm not sure but her voice is awesome and girls will love her songs. My favorite songs:
  • Primadonna
  • How to be a Heartbreaker

Those are mostly my favorites right now but i definitely listen to all different types of songs. If you have similar interest and want to talk about music don't be shy to leave a comment!

February 19, 2013

Beginnings are hard.

It takes a whole lot of courage to start something. Well at least for me.
I decided to start a blog because I needed to occupy my mind with something. I have noticed that a lot of people have blogs now, and some say that it "comforts" them. I need this in my life so i said "What the heck, i might at least try." So here i am, writing this horrible excuse for a post. I'm still not sure if i will be able to stick to this because i forget things easily. But i promised myself that i will and i believe i will.

Thinking through what I'm getting myself into, there are sooo many things going through my head.
1. What will i write about?
2. Will people even care to read anything?
3. Will i just be someone who writes a blog for an audience of just one person?

I have to remind myself to push those thoughts away and just have fun with it. So what if no one reads what i have to say? At least I'm putting it out there for me. I have to let go of my constant doubts and believe in myself.

So if you're reading this, bear with me on this journey of mine. Hopefully my thoughts can grab someones attention and if there is someone out there that likes to help newbies, just picture me with a big flashing arrow right by my face.