October 18, 2013

College: Dorm Life

You made it.
You're in college.
And thanks to all the tv shows and movies, you have a certain picture of what it's like to live in college.
Forget ALL of that.
Living in a dorm is not all what it seems.

The guys on your floor may or may not be assholes. Dont think they will invite you to their parties. If they are nice they will, but if they are douche bags they only invite the "easy" girls.

Dont expect them to lower their volume even if you are busy studying (dorm walls arent the greatest). If you ask them you might get named the bitch on the floor or they will just turn it up more.

The laundry room is the WORST!

You are lucky if you find an empty washer or dryer, so take advantage if you do. The laundry room will get disgusting. I mean underwear and socks everywhere, lint on the floor, etc. Dont be the asshole who forgets about their clothes and leaves them for hours sitting in the washer or dryer, because someone WILL take your clothes out.

Expect to have one type of critter crawling in your room. No matter how clean you keep it (trust me) they will come. So ask your RA to help stop this, my RA was really helpful and the cockroaches are gone!

Lastly, dont expect your roommate to get along with you. Thankfully my roomie an I get along fine, although there might be some issues we work it out.


But that doesnt usually happen. Do make sure to come to some "rules" if you can to avoid future problems.

Dorm Life, you hate it but you actually love it.

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