October 2, 2013

The White Hair Situation

Looking in the mirror I am oblivious to the silver thread in my hair.
All I care about is fixing my hair to look somewhat appropriate for class, well actually to impress that cute guy that I bump into on my way back to my room.
Thats when I see it. How can you miss that silver beam of light laying gracefully like a queen above a sea of black. Holy Shit. I just found my FIRST WHITE HAIR.

My first thought was anger towards my mother. Thank you mom for passing this premature white hairs on to me. I even texted her saying just that. Will I have to start dying my hair in 5 yrs? Im only 18 for heavens sake!

Then I thought, wow I need to stop stressing out so much. But it is college, and stress comes free with the deal.

Thirdly I thought, wow im sooo old.

Lastly, I thought : FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS

After I calmed down and came back to the real world, I laughed. Who cares if you have a white hair? Everyone gets them. Theres no need to stress over it because there are more problems in the world that are wayyyy more important.

So bring it on life. Im ready for my head full of white hair (as i cross my fingers and hope this happens sometime in 30 more yrs).

 To all of you experiencing this: Life goes on, so you should too.

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